Best Fonts for Newsletters from Businesses

a person using a phone and computer

A newsletter is an electronic or printed report containing news from an organization or a business. Newsletters often attract the attention of their readers. They can be used as a marketing tool as they reach the many people who subscribe to them. With the advancement of technology, newsletters easily reach many people through their electronic gadgets. For businesses, newsletters can be used to advertise products or market their business more.

 The subscribers can receive newsletters in their emails. Business relies majorly on attracting customers. To be successful in your business, you must be convincing enough to let the customer purchase your product. It is for this reason that newsletters need to have the right fonts.

a person using a phone and computer

The style and the size of the fonts can make a subscriber interested in reading on or get bored and stop reading your newsletters.  You have to ensure that you use the best fonts for newsletters if you want to attract the attention of customers. Good fonts align with your branding and your industry and are also easy to read. You can use different fonts for every text element that appears in your newsletter. 

Make Striking Headlines

The headline of your newspaper is the first thing that will attract the attention of your readers. The author should, therefore, make eye-catching headlines. The headlines should be bold so that it is the first thing that the reader sees. Make your language beautiful and convincing otherwise; the fonts will not help much. Your headline should be bigger than the rest of your writing. When it comes to choosing the best fonts for newsletters, there are a few factors you must put into consideration. 

First, is your newsletter or the message you intend to deliver formal or informal? There are some fonts that may appear to be too casual, and some of your readers may not take an interest in reading them. It would be best if you did not write the headlines of a very formal newsletter with very artistic fonts; the reader may assume it is an unnecessary email and find no use reading it. If your newsletter is casual, however, you can get artistic with your fonts to attract your readers more.

You can use serif and sans serif fonts in writing your headlines. You have to note that fonts may appear different in printed paper and on the phone. It has, however, been noted that the fonts; Times New Roman, Arial, and Verdana work well for headlines both on-screen and on printed paper. This is because they are legible, and when adjusted to a suitable size can catch attention.

Best Sub Headline Fonts

Including subheads in your newsletters is a great way to hold your reader’s attention. It also helps to break your text into readable potions. It can otherwise be boring to go from heading straight into the intended message. Some readers may even lose interest before reading the most critical bit of the newsletter; the body. Your sub-headlines can introduce the reader to the message to be discussed in each paragraph.

You must, therefore, differentiate the type of font you use for the sub-headlines from that which you use in the body so that one can easily identify it in the newsletter. You can use a different font or choose to make the same font different by styling it; you can make the sub-headlines bold or put them in italics. This will make the subheads stand out so that the reader can easily locate the information he is looking for.

 For instance, you may want to talk about your price rates for tours say in the travel industry.  When you clearly type the subhead as ‘affordable rates,’ this may attract the reader into wanting to find out more about your industry. They may ultimately be interested in doing business with you. For newsletters that are not so casual, you can maintain the fonts of the headline but in a smaller size so that the outlook is not scrambled.

hands typing on a laptop

Newsletter Body Copy

The body of your newsletter has vital information for your subscriber. You have pulled their attention this far, don’t lose them halfway without letting them indulge in your message.  The body of your newsletter should be informative and convincing at the same time, and you should use the best fonts for newsletters, especially because it is a business.

It would help if you kept the fonts subtle while aiming at impressing the reader both in your language and typography. Use legible fonts; it would be so bad if your subscribers have to strain to read your newsletters. You do not have to make the body of your newsletter bold, as this would make the outlook unreasonable. Making the headlines and the subheads bold is enough to get the attention of the reader so that they curiously search for the information they need in the body of your writing.

 You can still maintain the same fonts as the headline and the subheadline, or you can choose a different font depending on the complexity of your newsletter. Times New Roman and Arial font styles are the best to use in the body of your newsletter. The body of the newsletter must have the smallest font size in comparison to the rest of the text elements.

Pull Quotes

A pull quote is a key phrase, quotation, or excerpt that has been pulled from an article and used as a page layout graphic element. Pull quotes can be used to make your newsletter more interesting. You can add the quotes or excerpts that relate to your newsletters in between your body. The pull quotes even make the layout of your newsletter to be more eye-catching.

The quote itself is enough to make the reader attracted to your message, as long as you use the best fonts for newsletters. You can get creative when it comes to choosing fonts for pull quotes. The fonts must, however, be the kind that attracts your attention at first sight. You can easily merge compatible font styles in different sizes to make it stand out. You can also go as far as using a different color in writing the pull quotes.  

Set your pull quotes either in the exact font used in the text, maybe with a little difference in size, or use a different version or a totally different typeface. Either way, your pull quote must strike different from the rest of the text elements in your newsletter. You can push your pull quote to a ‘corner’ in your newsletter or give it a whole new paragraph. Fonts like Times New Roman, Arial and Georgia can be used in writing pull quotes. You can make it bold or write it in italics.

Best Fonts for Cutline

A cutline is a caption near a photograph in a newsletter. It gives the reader more information about the photo. When you include relevant pictures to your newsletters, it is proper that you tell the reader what the picture is about instead of just throwing it in the body of your writing. The cutline could be inform of giving credit to the source of the photo, telling the reader where the photo was taken or explaining to the reader what is happening in the photo.

 The cutline should be in a small font size and should be right below or beside the photo. You can use the same font styles as used in the body of your newsletter or take a different font.

You must, however, make sure that the fonts are compatible with the rest of the writings in that you should not use very artistic fonts when you have been keeping it subtle all along.  If you do that, you will lose the focus of the reader. Therefore, you can use fonts such as Arial and Times New Roman for the cutline. However, you should italicize the cutline or make it bold for visibility and so that it stands out from the rest of the writings in the newsletter.

Social Links and Contact Information;

Social media has a good impact on business marketing. When wrapping up your newsletter, you may want to add your social media links and contact information for the reader to find your business on other platforms easily. The links can even be redirections to where they can find the marketed products. The fonts you use to write this information should be compatible with the rest of the newsletter writings.

a phone on top of a newsletter/Best Fonts for Newsletters

Therefore, use Times New Roman, Arial, Georgia or Verdana or any other font you which you chose to write the previous writings. The social information should be written in small font size and should be in bold or italics for it to be easily noticed. The font size should be smaller than that used in the body of the newsletter so that in its outlook, one can easily differentiate between the text elements.  You can add color to the social media icons if they are included in your newsletter to make it more attractive.