HR consultants can help refine the hiring process for businesses. A HR consultant can help you identify areas of growth for both your company and employees. Your company needs effective HR to grow and flourish in a competitive marketplace, so you should pay attention for signs that it is time to boost your HR department.
Growing Employee-Base
If you are increasing the number of employees working at your company, expanding to different markets, or making other major changes, you are going to want to ensure your HR firm is up to speed.
While certain points can vary between companies, if you are at the point in your growth when your employees are being split up into dedicated departments, that is a good indication that the time has come for you to hire dedicated HR personnel. For companies that employ less than 50 employees, hiring a dedicated HR rep might not make sense financially. At some point, your company will have too many employees for anyone not dedicated to HR to manage effectively. By outsourcing HR, your company can continue to thrive as long as your HR needs are being met by professionals.
You’ve Identified a Need to Hire more Staff
While outsourcing HR has a lot of benefits, you will need to determine gaps within your company before hiring the company. An HR consulting firm, like NESE HR, can evaluate your company and teams in a neutral way, and pinpoint the causes behind employee retention problems. The best way to avoid finding out is to identify whether or not your company is currently using a reactive strategy for dealing with compensation, performance management, employee relations, and benefits. We bring this up often, and with good reason: Without the right policies established in your handbook, your business is likely at risk of a labor relations lawsuit or other related issues.
Updating or Introducing Employee Handbooks Anew
We have mentioned numerous times just how crucial employee handbooks are for your company. An employee handbook can do so much to guide and protect both employees and your company. By working with a HR consulting company now, you can help make sure you–and the company’s newest HR hire–know what to do.
They specialize in matching high-caliber candidates with open HR positions, and can help you find the right fit with the right skills for your particular needs.
Employee Exodus
If your company is having trouble keeping experienced employees, it is a sign your business would benefit from working with a PEO. Working with a PEO, or outsourcing HR solutions firm, could instantly address those issues.
If your current HR staff is not versed in these compliance issues, it can potentially leave your company open to heavy fines. These are small things that you constantly intend to get right — but then something else keeps coming up…like an internal grudge in a particular department, where deadlines seem always to slip, or thorny issues about an individual’s productivity or behavior…or a management disappointment, because some employees just seem not to care (or worse, no one seems to care).
Your Current HR Company isn’t Working for You
An experienced HR pro can sift through tricky personnel issues, and will advocate for your company’s interests, while helping you build a positive corporate culture. No matter your company’s size, you should hire someone who will help minimize employees’ risks and prevent your company from slipping into trouble.