Education is the largest industry in the world. To venture into any industry, you have to go through some form of education. Therefore, there are hundreds of education business ideas you can venture in.
There is a range of opportunities in the education industry, from manufacturing to small scale vendors and service delivery. There are businesses you can start with minimal investment. Others require huge investment; hence, you will need proper planning.
Since the inception of computers and internet, the education industry has grown tremendously. Many new opportunities have emerged. If you are creative enough, you can create a product to help students in many ways. All you need is to identify a problem and build a program to address the issue.
The following are some education business ideas that will give you great profits.

Computer Training Institute
Most of the activities in schools and offices are computerized. Computer literacy skills are becoming basic. Opening a computer training institute requires investment in human resources and finance. The initial investment is high, but the profit margins are worth every penny.
School and College Supplies Shop
Every year, parents spend a lot on school and college supplies. The industry is very lucrative because students will always need books stationery, learning equipment, uniform and furniture.
When you have enough funds, you can set up a manufacturing firm and distribute the supplies to school and small scale vendors.
Businesses that you can invest in a line of school supplies include supplies shop, stationery manufacturers, book publisher, uniform manufacturer, chalk manufacturing, eraser making, shoe factory among others,
Selling Lesson Plans
Creating a lesson plan is a time consuming exercise. You can use your spare time to customized lesson plans for teachers with busy schedules. A teacher will be comfortable parting with a few bucks for a well prepared and detailed lesson plan. It can grow to a consulting company if you remain dedicated to the business.
Research on different curriculums around the world and you can make this business your full time employment. There is a vast worldwide market where you can offer your services.
Skill Development Center
Many people are turning soft skills into business ventures. You can open a facility that trains on skill development and how students can use those skills to create employment.
Most of the skills offered in such an institution are talent-based. They include music, art and craft, designing, baking and pastries, drawing and painting, storytelling, language and many other practical skills.
Most employees enrol to skill development centers to build their resumes. It helps to unlock other opportunities, allowing them to grow in their career.
Align your center with the local education council; they will help you develop a curriculum that resonates with market demands. That way, your institution will get more referrals from satisfied students.
Proofreading Services
There are thousands of publishers seeking proofreading services daily. The only investment you need is a laptop or a tablet, internet connection and a keen eye for detail.
Look out to bloggers, article writing companies, e-book publishers or local publishers for unlimited opportunities. When you grow in the proofreading industry, you can create a team of proofreaders and increase your commission.
Tutor Finder App
Many students seek private tutors. Parents with slow learning kids prefer to hire private tutors to keep their children at par with the other students.
You can develop a tutor finding App that will help you and other teachers offer tutoring services to students. You can do the tutoring online or face to face.
If you do not have the skills or capacity to create a tutor finding app, you can register with the existing service providers and offer your services through their apps.
When you set up your profile in the App, you list all the services you offer. Students will view the services and select you if you meet their demands. They also have a chance to see your rates and compare with other tutors onboard.
Set your fees based on the quality of the services you are offering. Too low rates raise credibility questions. On the other hand, high rates will scare away many clients.
App-Based Online Learning
There are several apps offering answers to different subjects. As a teacher, you can develop an app offering answer to the subject you teach. Many students prefer to seek answers from online apps because they are affordable and convenient.
There are various apps appropriate for different age groups. The apps can be game-based, singing games, puzzles, codewords, question and answers etc.
You can invite advertisers to display their products on your App. This will give you a constant flow of income. You can also advertise your online course through the same App. That way, you will be able to earn through the student registration fee.
Homeschooling Services
In modern society, many parents are choosing to home school their children. They decide due to varied reasons like security and prestige.
Your experience as a teacher and a positive track record will draw clients to you.
The advantage of homeschooling is that you can customize lessons to meet each child’s need. You can concentrate on their weaknesses, unlike when you have a classroom of more than 20 students.
Educational Toys
Children love playing with their toys. Modern parents want to invest in toys that will improve children’s intellectual growth particularly in daycares. Therefore, the market for educational toys is expanding.
Find out what your competitors are offering. Create an improved and unique product that will remain relevant for an extended period. The toy can be for all children or children with mental and physical challenges.

Online library
With emerging online tutors and courses, online book resource becomes relevant. There are a few sites that sell e-books. It is expensive for students to buy all the books they need. Create a subscription platform where students can access all the books they need at the click of a button.
However, you will need to invest in security features to bar people from downloading the books from your site. Otherwise, you will not have return clients.
Daycare Center
Getting a trustworthy and reliable nanny is a painstaking process. Busy parents need a safe place to leave their toddlers. A daycare center requires investment in educational toys, multimedia, human resources and kids furniture. There is a vast market in middle-income estates.
You can start with a few toys and beddings then expand as the demand for your services increase. Approach the relevant authorities for certification and licensing.
Stress Management Course
Stress from job and school leads to low performance and low productivity. Seeking professional counselling services is very expensive. Many people are opting for stress management cause. They learn how to manage their stress. They can also offer services to friends and family at a fee.
Online courses
Online courses are on demand. People are seeking to expand their knowledge through short courses; however, they do not have enough time to set apart to attend traditional classes. Online causes are their go-to options. A student can access the course at a convenient time. It also saves on the time commuting from one place to another.
Research other similar courses available online. Apply your knowledge and expertise and cover the topics omitted by other courses. Design your curriculum to meet the current market design. The quality and relevance of your course will win you thousands of referrals from your students. Make sure to update the course from time to time to include emerging and relevant information.
Teaching Your Hobby
What is more interesting than earning from your passion. You can approach many hobby groups and sports clubs and teach interested people on your hobby. You can even start a hobby club from scratch. Many businesses have grown for hobbies,
There is a growing need for defense skills. You can train people on basic and advanced martial arts skills. If you are an excellent swimmer, you can become a personal swimming instructor. There are many other sports that you can teach people as a private instructor. The advantage of such a venture is that you will do what you love; it remains a hobby with income as an advantage.
Career Magazine
High school students need constant career guidance. They are always seeking information about colleges, marketable courses, university fees, scholarships, internship programs, requirements for scholarship and internship, and how to apply.
Have a team of competent individuals that will offer credible and accurate information on the quests above, satisfied students will refer other students, and you will increase sales in the subsequent publications. When the magazine gains popularity, you can be nominated in various awards where you can win prizes.

Conclusion on Education Business Ideas
There are very many education business ideas you can invest in. What I listed above is just the tip of an iceberg. However, the above services are currently trending and will reap you huge profits.
Identify the sector you have interest in and capitalize on it. Your creativity will set you apart from your competition.