It can be quite challenging to overcome a reputation of having not-so-good employees. The reality gets worse as you realize this reputation is tainting your ability to attract new quality talent to your firm. Potential hires may perceive the company as a revolving door rather than a welcoming environment for career advancement.
What can you do, then, to ensure that your company doesn’t hire the wrong people? Write precise, thorough, and captivating job descriptions to draw qualified, motivated people. All employees involved in the hiring process should receive training. this will ensure that everyone is on the same page. Keep in mind that a prospective employee needs to mesh well with both the role and the culture of your business. Background checks are also important and is not an area to skimp out on.
For more on the costs of a bad hire and how to create a standardized hiring process that can save you time, energy and money, check out the resource below.