One of the biggest challenges that one goes through while starting a business is, stay tuned to the latest information in the business world. The problem that follows when a business man or woman is not well informed, Is that the business will not do well, not because he or she lacks the products, but it might go down because the person is not informed with what’s going on in the business world. But here are some of the best marketing books that will give you ideas on how to stay in the market and also solve problems that are related to marketing.
Traction: How any Start-up Can Achieve Explosive Customer Growth by Gabriel Weinberg and Justin Mares
This book must-read book for a business person who is out for building a strong customer’s foundation.
In this book, the authors state that most of the small mushrooming businesses fail not because of the lack of commodities or products. But they do not do well because of a lack of customers. This book Traction is among the best marketing books. If you are looking for ideas on how to find a lot of customers then this book is for you. Get it on Amazon
This is marketing: You Can’t be seen until You Learn to See by Seth Godin
The book is excellent for creative thinking for reframing marketing.
Seth Godin takes you through the unique ways you can use to thrive and do well in marketing. In this book, you will be guided on ways in which you can follow to identify the market that you are targeting. Buy it on Amazon
Blue Ocean Strategy by W. Chan Kim
This book is good at enlightening one in reevaluating the marketing master plan. The emphasis is on doing away with the urge to compete and redirecting your efforts on discovering a new market.
W. Chan Kim and Renee A. Maugborgne are out to guide businessmen on how to go for the unmasked markets. They insist that ordinary competition is nerve crushing and it results in bad business habits. This book is a masterpiece in guiding you on how to venture into the untouched markets for your small business to pick and grow. Buy it on Amazon
How Brands Grow: What Marketers Don’t Know by Byron Sharp
This is a very detailed book. Here a business man or woman will get the expert’s advice and answers on marketing and ideas on advertisement strategies. You will be well enlightened with what most marketers are not familiar with Byron Sharp’s idea in this book is not only to help but also it is to advise marketers.
In this book, you will find almost if not all the answers to questions that are frequently asked by entrepreneurs, professionals working in the marketing sectors and small businesses that are trying to develop their brand. This book is an excellent piece. This is because the answers that are in this book have evidence. Sharp explains the rules that you need to follow to make your brand flourish. Buy it on Amazon
The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson
This book is for a business person who wants to make great changes that last longer by taking those small baby steps.
This marketing book is all about encouraging habits that attract success. You will learn about disciplines that can be transformed into success. The author takes you through his business journey. Olson talks about his high and low times he has gone through establishing his business. In this book, you will learn how to make your small business work for your advantage. Buy it on Amazon
Get Online by Stacey Kehoe.
If you are for the idea of building an online marketing plan then is the book is a must-read. This is a beginner book that will take you through the necessary steps you need to follow to start online marketing. It also gives you heads-up on the potholes you need to escape to do well in business. On the other hand, in this book, you will find six simple steps that will guide you to initiate your first online master plan. Buy it on Amazon
What Customers Crave by Nicholas J Webb
This book is excellent for understanding not only what your customer wants but also, keeping in mind what he or she likes. This book will help you transform your customer’s ideas into your sales success. In this book, Webb shows you ways through which you can interact with your customers and get to know them better.
You will learn how to find your way around your customer’s preferences. You will be able to understand what your customer loves and what he or she hates. This will make you have an easy time intermediating between your market and the customer. Buy it on Amazon
10x Marketing Formulas by Garrett Moon
After reading the book, you will have the knowledge on how to overcome and deal with the problems that come along with marketing. This book is for businessmen who are faced with challenges in marketing. These problems include difficulties in engaging the audience, poor content among others. In the book, you will find the formulas on how to succeed. He even has a strategy for the easiest way to get enormous growth. Buy it on Amazon
Play Bigger by Al Ramadan
Do you want to be unique and innovative in the marketing world? Then, this is the book for you. This book talks a lot about category creation. Category creation has presently turned out to be among the most successful and best business strategies ever known. The authors of this book, take you through on how you can create services and products that have never been in the market before by embracing category design. Buy it on Amazon
Crush It! Why now is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion by Gary Vaynerchuk
This book is a masterpiece for the business people who are motivated and inspired to succeed in the business world.
Gary Vaynerchuk s out to urge you to be passionate about everything you are doing. He talks about how you can make a lot of money from having a passion for whatever you do. You will be encouraged after reading how Vaynerchuk transformed the family business into a bigger brand that is now international. He will also take you through on how you can embrace digital marketing to give life to your brand and build an empire on what you hold dearest. Buy it on Amazon
Future Marketing: Winning in the Prosumer Date by Jon Wuebben
It is a good book for someone who is learning how to plan for the future by being alert and updated on what’s on the way
Recently things move fast and people are loving and embracing technology in almost all the things and activities they do. Soon you will find that the present marketing strategies no longer hold water. The author, Jon Wuebben is out to guide you on how you can be a few steps ahead in planning for your marketing master plan for the future. By reading this book you will be ready to blend in with the future changes that might pop out in online marketing. Buy it on Amazon
Outrageous Advertising that’s Outrageously Successful by Bill Glazer
The book is great at encouraging independent thinking that leads to positive results in businesses
This book is for those business people you need inspiration and motivation to go beyond his or her marketing boundaries. Here you learn about new strategies about advertising. The book is full of new ideas to do with small businesses n terms of marketing. Buy it on Amazon
The Impact Equation by Chris Brogan and Julien Smith
After reading this book you will be encouraged to be honest and authentic in your content. The authors of this book put their emphasis on one being honest to his or her audience. It talks about the importance of honesty in business. Buy it on Amazon
Getting Everything You Can out of All You’ve Got by Jay Abraham
The book will enlighten you with programs of the strategies that have become a success in marketing. The author Abraham uses this book to open the eyes of the readers to see the overlooked opportunities that can be turned into success. In the book, you will find 21 practical ways that an opportunist can follow to increase one’s income. Buy it on Amazon
Conclusion on the Best Marketing Books for Small Businesses
One can find it hard to make it in business because of the present digital era. But this should not be the case. The easiest way to make sure that you are always in this game of business is by more learning and discovering. You should first embrace the digital world. You should be willing to step out of your comfort zone and read more books and articles on marketing. Remember that knowledge is power.